Elect Susanna Johnson

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As your Sheriff, I promise to lead our Sheriff's Office with integrity and respect, wearing the badge that must symbolize public trust. I would be honored to earn your support.

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Susanna's Priorities

Public Safety

The community feels less safe now than they did three years ago.   

Change is needed.


  • Launch a three-tier Crime Strategy - Evidence-based policing strategies that focus on Prevention, Partnerships, and targeted Patrol 


  • Strengthen the Office of Neighborhoods Fully invest in the successful principles of dual-response with social workers to better address underlying behavioral health issues 


  • Promote Community Policing ideals at all levels - Develop connections with the people we serve to empower neighborhood safety partnerships  


Trust & Transparency

Effective policing requires building trust with our community.


  • Create a community-facing Transparency Dashboard - Easy access to crime data and employee complaints, collisions, and use of force statistics    


  • Neighborhood meetings "Share with the Sheriff" - Prioritize listening while meeting with stakeholders throughout the county  


  • Establish a Community Advisory Team - Build an integrated team that fully represents the diversity of our county 

Employee Investment Initiative

Professionally invest and support all staff to better serve others.


  • Prioritize safety, mental and physical well-being, and Work-Life Balance - Staffing models that focus on public safety and a commitment to Peer Support ideals 


  • Implement an Every Employee investment initiative - Training tracks for professional growth and programs with resources for families 


  • Retention and Recruitment Program -Implement proven strategies to improve retention and market opportunity for new staff    


Organizational Resiliency

Strengthen administrative skills to better respond/adapt to change. 


  • Resume best practices and professional standards to become an Accredited Law Enforcement Agency - Restore what was lost in 2021


  • Conduct an Efficiency Assessment to ensure continual process improvement - Long-term planning for long-term success


  • Build teams with experienced leaders using a Systems Approach - Strengthen core leadership skills through assessment and mentoring